Zedomax - The DIY, HOWTO, Mod, Hacks, Gadgets, and Tech Blog!
- DIY Gesture Controlled Devices! - 2010-08-28 02:26:19-04
Computer scientist Amit Pate demonstrates us the simplicity of using a camera, projector, and a cellphone to create a simple yet fully-functional DIY gesture-controlled device. This could be applied to many areas where gesture control is concerned. SixthSense Device is a wearable gesture. Its user friendly interface links the physical world around us with digital … Continue reading
- DIY Underwater Tent! - 2010-08-28 06:45:05-04
Somewhere in Nevada, a family has built a DIY underwater tent where they can literally stay under water for hours by the use of oxygen being held inside the tent. Of course, you probably shouldn’t try this yourself unless you know a bit about scuba diving. Jordan: Ya, we use a standard scuba tank to … Continue reading
- DIY Subwoofer – How to Make a Vacuum Subwoofer! - 2010-08-28 15:22:07-04
I remember when I was in high school, my friend and I made a bunch of subwoofer enclosures using some wood and acrylic. Well, I guess you don’t have to always make subwoofer enclosures from scratch but re-use old gadgets like a vacuum cleaner as one, and this is exactly what the author of this … Continue reading
- HDTV Accessories! - 2010-08-28 16:37:32-04
For those of you who have bought your HDTV, here’s some of the most essential HDTV accessories you might want to think about getting to get the most out of your new HDTV: HDMI Cables – Probably the most important part of HDTV is that you need to connect it to other HD devices such … Continue reading
- Fashion DIY – How to Make a Multi-Chain Necklace! - 2010-08-29 15:45:13-04
For ladies out there and men who want to impress them, here’s a simple way to get a bunch of different chain necklaces and make a multi-chain necklace. Simple and brilliant! Here's how my necklace turned out, and I absolutely love it! I've already worn it so much, with everything from a basic white tank … Continue reading
- Emergency Plumbing DIY – How to Fix Main Water Line Leak! - 2010-08-29 18:47:00-04
Yesterday, my mom called me and told me that their yard was literally filling itself with 2 feet of water, it was some kind of an emergency water leak in the pipe underground. Well, since I knew a plumber friend, I called him immediately so he and his crew can head to my parent’s house, … Continue reading
- Palm Pre Hacked to 1Ghz! - 2010-08-29 22:45:29-04
You thought Palm Pre was dead? Well, it’s not and it can be indeed overclocked to 1Ghz plus it’s pretty darn simple to do using Preware. Of course, we can’t wait till Palm Pre 2 is announced (hopefully next year) with a 1.4Ghz processor and a better form factor. via palmprehacks, precentral Brought to you … Continue reading
- Samsung Epic 4G Manual Leaked! - 2010-08-30 03:05:49-04
We’ve got about 36 hours until official launch of the Samsung Epic 4G and for those of you who can’t wait, you can start reading the leaked Samsung Epic 4G manual. Hurray! via samsungepic Brought to you by: Zedomax.com Samsung Epic 4G Manual Leaked! cell phones, Featured Gadgets, Gadgets, Google Android, samsung epic 4g, Samsung … Continue reading
- DSLR Hack – How to Take Vintage Photos using Dab of Vaseline on your Lens! - 2010-08-30 04:07:50-04
I guess there’s a way to take vintage photos by applying a dab of vaseline on your expensive DSLR lens. Of course, this could be a great option if you simply suck at Photoshop. And yes, it should be fine so long as you put a clear lens filter on your DSLR camera before trying … Continue reading
- The Commodore returns - 2010-08-30 05:20:34-04
As fan of PC history it is pleasing to see at last that Commodore USA LLC, have come to agreement with Commodore Licensing BV, this means that before long we will be getting the chance to get our hands on the Commodore PC64! This will be an Atom powered PC that comes with a 4GB … Continue reading
- The Light Cap 300 solar powered lamp - 2010-08-30 06:00:43-04
This is an interesting design for a lamp that is ideal for camping or in any place where mains power is unavailable for any reason, it is a simple solar powered device fixed to the lid of a glass jar. It has white LED's built into the underside of lid, while the solar panel on … Continue reading
- Dual SIM iPhone 4 case - 2010-08-30 07:00:13-04
If you are a user of the iPhone 4 and find that being tied to the same network namely AT&T, then perhaps this case may come in handy. Its strange design comes with a ribbon attachment that connected to the SIM slot and this simple design is all that is required split the SIM slot. … Continue reading
- Brabus launch the iBusiness - 2010-08-30 08:00:06-04
This is a car based on the Mercedes S600, but it is not the car that we are interested in here, it is what is inside that is of interest. As it happens, it appears to be a cross between KIT and the bridge of the Enterprise! Being a large car the technology has been … Continue reading
- The energy saving man plug - 2010-08-30 10:00:08-04
This sculptured design, is something that is supposed to remind us to save power by turning the lights off every now and then; it represents a man trying to pull the plug out of the wall power socket. There is the extreme version too where the man is trying to cut through the cable of … Continue reading
- Secret key logger for PC's - 2010-08-30 11:00:34-04
There are several reasons for wanting to use one of these key loggers, it keeps a record of online activity so that the user can easily track a purchase etc or for keeping an eye on what people are doing online. The device plugs into the USB or PS/2 port for easy connections and it … Continue reading
- The ultimate digital lock - 2010-08-30 12:00:27-04
Keep all of you possessions safe with this fantastic door lock that is almost guaranteed to keep people out, while your stuff is safe inside, in fact this lock is ultra tough it can take being kicked, hammered, sawed and pried open. The lock has a nice blue light so that the user can find … Continue reading
- Laser guided robot vacuum - 2010-08-30 13:00:54-04
Having the vacuuming done while you are out is everyone's dream, of course, we cannot all afford to have a cleaner but this laser guided robot vacuum cleaner could be the next best thing. To charge it takes three hours, this will be enough to clean up to four rooms. The laser maps out the … Continue reading
- New Movie Trailer: The Black Swan - 2010-08-30 13:32:47-04
Well, it used to take quite a bit to get me interested in anything having to do with ballet, but thanks to director Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain), I’m ready to watch this one: From Apple: BLACK SWAN follows the story of Nina (Natalie Portman), a ballerina in a New … Continue reading
- Starcraft 2 Challenge Tutorial – Path of Ascension - 2010-08-30 13:35:17-04
Here’s a look at how to make it through the second challenge in Starcraft 2, the Path of Ascension challenge. Check out this killer tutorial on how to make it through: Brought to you by: Zedomax.com Starcraft 2 Challenge Tutorial – Path of Ascension challenge, DIY, Games, HOWTO, Online Games, path of ascension, Starcraft 2, … Continue reading
- Amazing iPad Keyboard Tricks - 2010-08-30 13:43:25-04
It’s not just about having a keyboard, but linking a bluetooth keyboard to the iPad makes the little tablet that could into the tablet that can without a doubt. These simple keyboard shortcuts really make it a breeze to word process on the iPad, something not too easy without a keyboard. Here’s a rundown of … Continue reading
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